Adding A Placement
Step 1 - Go to Placements
On the Placements Feature page click on Add Placement.

Step 2 - Select the Employee
Select the employee this placement is for, by clicking on the Add button.

Step 3 - Add Client Details
Select the client details from the drop down menus of each field, followed by the billing details.
A noteworthy point here is that if the OT Bill field is not populated, the bill rate will be considered for further calculation of OT, by default.

Step 4 - Add Placement Details
Select the placement details from the drop down menus of each field. And the Work Location mode and corresponding address. If available, add Placement Supporting Details such as PO, MSA, COI etc. These can be in an image or a pdf format.

Step 5 - Add Pay Rate Configuration
Select the desired configuration from the drop down menu.
Salary Pay Rate Configuration: The default hours / year for your organization will be used to calculate the hourly rate on the basis of the provided annual pay amount.

Note: To know how to change the default hour / year configuration, go to Placement (Default Work Hours) in the Organizational Management Guide
Hourly Pay Rate Configuration: You can either select the percentage pay configuration wherein you enter the percentage of the Bill Rate Per Hour you would like to pay to your employee or the value pay configuration option which allows you to enter the amount.
Next, select the OT or Over Time Pay Rate Configuration Type which can be:
Same as the Payrate
Fixed Value
In the case of a variable, enter the value by which the regular pay rate should be multiplied to calculate the OT Pay

Step 6 - Add Timesheet Configurations
Select the timesheet cycle from the drop down, edit the default hours if you wish to and select the effective start date for the timesheets of this placement. Click on the Finish button, and with that we have successfully completed creating the placement.

Managing A Placement
To edit any details in a placement, go to the Placements page and click on View Placement. Here, you can see the same headers as while creating a new placement
To edit the details, select the section you wish to modify and click the edit icon.

After making the necessary changes, click Save to confirm and apply your updates.
Ending A Placement
Go to the placements page and click on View Placement for the employee you wish to end the placement for. Click on the three dots and select the End Placement option.

You will be prompted to pick the end date for the placement and confirm the action

Placement Analytics offers advanced analytics, for each year or each quarter, that enable you to review key metrics and make data-driven decisions. These analytics provide a comprehensive overview of Total Hours Logged, Total Billed, Total Pay, and Margin. Additionally, you can view detailed breakdowns for each individual placement, offering deeper insights into your performance.