Organization Configuration
Organization Setup is the most important place on Japfu, where you add or remove users, transfer roles & responsibilities, manage defaults and much more.
When you first create an account, you will be led to configure your Organisation on These settings are what will reflect across sections in your account and can be edited later on as well.
NOTE: To know more about Login & Sign Up, please see our Getting Started guide.
Organization Details
Under organizational details, you need to enter the name, choose the date format you want reflected in all your process, along with the time zone.
Further, add your organization’s basic details such as the logo, URL, contact information and address.
Click on Save to proceed.

Managing Prefixes
Next we have Prefixes, these are unique identifiers assigned to each addition you make in your organization on Comprising of a module prefix, a separator, and a number, this system aims to minimize confusion. While generates these prefixes for you, feel free to edit them as desired.

Web Announcements
These are important messages, from seasons greetings to work updates, these are added to your account in the form of banners. These help you keep all your employees informed about the latest announcements in a fun and easy way, without missing any one out. These announcements include an image, a heading and pretext, giving you ample space to personalize your message for your employees
Placement (Default Work Hours) enables you to set the default work hours for your organization. This calculates pay rates and margins for your employees. To do so, click on the edit logo and set the total number of work hours per year. Remember, we use the 24-hour format for accuracy.

Role recognizes and creates five basic roles with access permission that every organization holds. These roles can be assigned to internal employees.
Further, you can add up to 5 more roles and tailor the permissions and access these roles will hold by cloning an existing role, or by manually adding the permissions.

Employment Type
Employment type explains how provides a Consultant Employment Type which are short term employees and Contractor Employment Type who are hired on project basis and are bound by the agreements they are signed on for.

Internal Employees
As part of setting up your organsiation, you can add internal employees onto your account and assign roles to them with the permissions you decided in the previous steps.
Once added, the roles of the internal employee’s can also be transferred to other internal employees and internal employees can be deleted at any time.

Employment Category
Next, we have employment categories where you can create your own categories and mention descriptions. These categories need to be created according to the two employment types, as discussed earlier: Contractual and Consultants.
These new categories can be deactivated, edited or deleted at any time you wish to.

Add all skills you would want as options through various processes carried out on your account. These skill can be edited, deleted or deacticated at any given point.

Onboarding Documents
Deciding which all documents are mandatory while adding a new employee, is configured through this section of onboarding documents.
You can edit the details of each document, however these can not be deleted.

In this section, you can add the job titles for which you want to create placements. Titles maintained here, will be available in the drop down menus in the Placement processes.
Once you have created a new title, you can edit it, delete it or simply deactivate the title.